Friday, June 6, 2008

Dear Vinnie, today you are 4 months old

Dear Vinnie,

Today you are four months old. You have surpassed every expectation I had of you when you were born. I should not have set my expectations so low, I failed you in that and I am sorry.

Today I want you to know that I will be expecting nothing but you trying your best. You have worked so hard to accomplish things already. You amaze me and daddy all the time. Your laugh is infectious as is your smile, I look forward to you waking up everday because you smile so sweetly at me.

I am so happy you chose me to be your mommy. You have already shown and taught me so much. You have opened my eyes and my heart to so many new things. I know that as you grow you will touch so many peoples lives. You already have your family wrapped aorund your little finger and I suspect that the people at church are feeling this too.

Thank you for coming into my life, I love you.


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